How to pay with PayPal?
To pay for your purchases on Elementary Cosmetics Paris via PayPal, follow these steps:
Add your products to the cart: Browse our online store and select the desired items by clicking on "Add to cart".
Access your shopping cart: Once you have completed your selections, click on the shopping cart icon at the top right of the page to check your order summary.
Proceed to Checkout: Click “Proceed to Checkout” to begin the payment process.
Choose PayPal as your payment method: During the “Payment” step, select the “PayPal” option.
Log in to your PayPal account: You will be redirected to the PayPal login page. Enter your PayPal credentials to access your account.
Confirm Payment: Review your order details and confirm payment. You will then be redirected to our site for final confirmation.
After validation, you will receive an order confirmation email. If you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, our customer service is at your disposal at contact @elementarycosmetics .com .
igé(e) to our site to finalize your order. You will then receive an email confirmation detailing your purchase.